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Kind Words
Molly went above and beyond as my doula and was truly amazing! She was instrumental in helping me have a successful VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Before the actual birth, Molly was always available for answering questions and offering guidance about practices that would help with achieving a VBAC. She knew so much about Spinning Babies and was able to offer me positions and techniques to help my 37 week breech baby turn head down. There were times during the pregnancy that I felt much anxiety and Molly helped calm me with her grounded and caring disposition. Her skills, knowledge, and soothing presence were so helpful during the actual birthing process. During a time where there was discomfort and some fear, Molly helped both me and my husband to feel more at ease. Even though I was bound to the bed, she was able to put me in positions that helped me to feel more comfortable and also helped the baby move downward. Without Molly’s compassionate and steady care I believe having a VBAC wouldn’t have been as likely. I am so very grateful to have had Molly as a doula for the birth of my second daughter!
- Molly and Brandon
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